(GiveAway) AVG Internet Security 2014 (1 Year)
Before i provide you directions on how to get this freebie, please take note the way AVG runs freebies is they provide extended “trials” instead of licenses. This freebie is really a 365 days extended trial of AVG Internet Security 2014 instead of an actual 1-year license. In terms of features and protections, there are no differences between a trial and a real license — you get all the same features, updates, and protection. The difference arises in who can install it. If you have used AVG Internet Security 2014 in the past, then you won’t be able to install an extended trial and thus won’t be able to get this freebie. (If you haven’t used AVG Internet Security 2014 in the past, then you can get this freebie.) That is why AVG does it this way: they only want to attract new users with freebies, they don’t want to give a free year to existing users.
That said, the download links for AVG Internet Security 2014 is given to you below. Take note there are two separate downloads for 32-bit and 64-bit users. Be sure to download the correct one. Download and install AVG Internet Security 2014; during installation it will automatically enter a license key that will allow you to use the program for one year.
32 Bit
64 Bit
Thanks man! (*_*)